Get to know the chimarrão
The Brazilian Mate Pronounced “shim-a-how”
Throughout South America, the leaves of the erva-mate plant are used in a variety of drinks – some hot, some cold, some with green fresh leaves, some with dry leaves, some bitter, some sweet.
Known as Erva (herb) in Brazil, the yerba is very different to the other yerbas (herbs) – it is bright green in colour and it is a mixture of extremely fine powder, and large stems.
Erva-mate is most commonly drunk in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul – in the drink known as Chimarrão, a very hot type of tea, which is shared among friends. Many Gauchos drink erva-mate daily; indeed, to be honest, all day long.
Drinking chimarrão with family, colleagues or friends is a social activity. It fosters one’s identity as a Gaucho.